Bath and Body


The Scented Market Shower Steamer- Eucalyptus Lavender

EUCALYPTUS LAVENDER a calming blend of florals used for relaxation.

The Scented Market Hair Oil- Just Breathe

Our Scented Hair oil is both nourishing for your hair and helps control frizz!
JUST BREATHE a fresh blend of eucalyptus and peppermint. Great for opening airways. Breathe in that fresh crisp air.

The Scented Market Bathsalts Cashmere

CASHMERE is a soft smooth scent similar to the feeling on your skin when you slide your arm into your favorite sweater and cuddle in a nice warm blanket

The Scented Market Foaming hand Soap- Eucalyptus Lavender

EUCALYPTUS LAVENDER a calming blend of florals used for relaxation

The Scented Market Shower Gel Just Breathe

JUST BREATHE a fresh blend of eucalyptus and peppermint. Great for opening airways. Breathe in that fresh crisp air!
Elevate your at home shower experience everyday with our Scented Shower Gel .

The Scented Market Shower Gel Cashmere

CASHMERE- a soft smooth scent similar to the feeling on your skin when you slide your arm into your favourite sweater and cuddle in a nice warm blanket.
Elevate your at home shower experience everyday with our Scented Shower Gel .

The Scented Market Shower Gel Eucalyptus Lavender

EUCALYPTUS LAVENDER- a calming blend of florals used for relaxation.
Elevate your at home shower experience everyday with our Scented Shower Gel .

The Scented Market Bath Salt Scoop Wooden Large

This little wooden scoop is a perfect addition to our Scented Bath Salts.
It is 4.25" long and 1.75" wide.

The Scented Market Foaming Hand Soap Beach Day

BEACH DAY Beach Day Baby!!!! All things coconut and sunshine!
Apply Foaming Hand Soap to hands and rub together, then rinse with warm water.

The Scented Market Hand and Body Lotion - Cashmere

CASHMERE - a soft smooth scent similar to the feeling on your skin when you slide your arm into your favourite sweater and cuddle in a nice warm blanket.

The Scented Market Hand and Body Lotion- Eucalyptus Lavender

EUCALYPTUS LAVENDER- a calming blend of florals used for relaxation.

The Scented Market Hair Oil - Beach Day

Our Scented Hair oil is both nourishing for your hair and helps control frizz!
BEACH DAY Beach Day Baby!!!! All things coconut and sunshine!

20% Tops, tanks, tees and sweaters

Use code Topsale



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