Bath and Body


The Scented Market Bath Salts- Beach Day

BEACH DAY Beach Day Baby!!!! All things coconut and sunshine!

The Scented Market Room spray Cashmere

CASHMERE is a soft smooth scent similar to the feeling on your skin when you slide your arm into your favourite sweater and cuddle in a nice warm blanket.

The Scented Market Shower Steamer- Cashmere

CASHMERE is a soft smooth scent similar to the feeling on your skin when you slide your arm into your favourite sweater and cuddle in a nice warm blanket.

The Scented Market Shower Steamer -Just Breathe

JUST BREATHE a fresh blend of eucalyptus and peppermint. Great for opening airways. Breathe in that fresh crisp air!

The Scented Market Bathsalts Eucalyptus Lavender

EUCALYPTUS LAVENDER a calming blend of florals used for relaxation.

The Scented Market Foaming hand soap- Just Breathe

JUST BREATHE a fresh blend of eucalyptus and peppermint. Great for opening airways. Breathe in that fresh crisp air!

The Scented Market Foaming hand Soap- Eucalyptus Lavender

EUCALYPTUS LAVENDER a calming blend of florals used for relaxation

The Scented Market Foaming Hand Soap- Cashmere

CASHMERE is a soft smooth scent similar to the feeling on your skin when you slide your arm into your favourite sweater and cuddle in a nice warm blanket.

20% Tops, tanks, tees and sweaters

Use code Topsale



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