

RASPBERRY BUSH The fresh aroma of handpicked raspberries.
CASHMERE is a soft smooth scent similar to the feeling on your skin when you slide your arm into you
BUT FIRST, COFFEE is that aromatic smell of Sunday Morning Coffee brewing fresh in your kitchen. Tha
OH CANADA is that aromatic smell of breakfast in the morning! That maple syrup dripping down your pa
BEACH DAY Beach Day Baby!!!! All things coconut and sunshine!
LAKE HURON SUNSET is a fresh lake smell. When the sun is setting and your are breathing it in! Enjoy
FARM HOUSE FRESH is a balance lemon and basil. When your in the mood to clean and that fresh lemon s
OH CANADA is that aromatic smell of breakfast in the morning! That maple syrup dripping down your pa
PEACHES- A fresh basket of peaches picked up from the local farmers
This 2 pack comes with a Wick Trimmer and Candle Snuffer. Both equally valuable tools in taking prop

20% Tops, tanks, tees and sweaters

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